The scientific committee of ICC 2023 invites the submission of abstracts for the 3rd Indian Cancer Congress 2023, Mumbai
Registration is mandatory before submission of the abstract – Register here. If your abstract is not accepted. You may write mail for refund. (One day registration is available for Allied Health Professionals - Know more details/Registration Click here)
The abstract must be submitted online at the submission portal only: Submit Your Abstract Now
Presenting authors and/or co-authors should be members of one of the organizations (IASO/ISMPO/ISO/AROI). If not, the submissions should be made under the ‘ICC’ track.
Abstracts should be related to oncology and can be submitted under one of the following sub-categories:
Head & Neck Cancer including reconstruction
Breast cancer including reconstruction
Thoracic malignancies
Gastrointestinal malignancies
Gynecological malignancies
Urological malignancies
Bone & Soft Tissue tumours
Pediatric malignancies
Hemato-Lymphoid malignancies
Cancer Screening and Early Detection
Palliative Care / Supportive and Ancillary Care
Innovations, Newer Advancements in Techniques & Technologies
Patient Advocacy
Health Economics
Original research, trials, reviews, prospective and retrospective series are preferred. Case reports/ series may also be submitted for consideration if there is a significant learning point associated with it.
The abstract should not exceed 400 words and should be structured as follows:
Surgical videos are also invited for submission. The maximum duration of the video is 8 minutes. The upper limit of the file size is 100 MB. The video should be submitted in .avi / .wmv / .mov / .mp4 format on the submission portal. Audio narration is desirable but not necessary. The submitting author will be required to present the video in a high quality format on the day of the meeting. How to Upload your Surgical Video Presentation
Once the final submission is made under your login ID, no further edits will be entertained.
All abstracts and videos will be evaluated and scored by an expert panel of judges. The committee reserves the right to decide if a submitted abstract should be considered for oral or poster presentation. All decisions made by the expert panel will be final and binding and no disputes in this regard will be entertained.
The presenting author will be notified by email about acceptance and other details.
In case of the author’s unavailability for presentation, one of the co-authors may present the work, provided they register for the conference.
Important dates:
Abstract submission open from: 15th December, 2022
Last date of submission: 7th August, 2023
Notification of abstract decision: 17th September, 2023 onwards.
For any queries regarding abstract submission please write to us on